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Top Goals for the Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry is one of the vital ministries of a local congregation. One of the most urgent, most helpful tasks for the church is to help answer any questions teens have, help them understand what Christianity is, and be helpful as they make the transition from childhood to adulthood.

  • The church's Youth Council established four top goals for the overall youth ministry of this congregation:

    • Build committed relationships among people--of all ages--in the church.

    • Develop the spiritual lives of young people.

    • Develop an appreciation for the history of the church and a love for the Bible.

    • Develop a youth program that is meaningful and significant for everyone who is involved.

Sunday School

Youth Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:45 to 10:45 in Room 106. We have combined middle school and high school Sunday School. Each week youth discuss current topics as they relate to Christianity, attempt to answer hard questions about faith, and select the organizations for the Noisy Offering. Youth are also invited to participate in various youth specific events.

Youth Fellowship and Service

Our Director of Children and Youth

Ministries is Hannah Day Donoghue. We have

fellowship, service, and fun events once a month. 

Email Hannah at to get

on the email chain and text alerts for Youth



At First Presbyterian Church we believe Confirmation is a crucial part of a youths faith journey. For those in church from a young age, your parents most likely baptized you as an infant where they took vows on your behalf about the ways they would foster you in God's community and love. This is the season for confirmands to ask questions about their faith, Presbyterianism and their church and to own their faith as their own. Confirmation happens every other year and anyone 8th grade through 10th grade is welcome to participate. Confirmation runs weekly on Sunday mornings from January 2024-May 12th. At the end the youth will decide if they would like to join the church. 

Summer Trips

Each year we aim to provide trips for each of our youth age groups. Registrationid open! Reach out to to register. 

Massanetta Middle School Conference: First Presbyterian will be going June 25-28, 2024. Massanetta is a transformational program that welcomes hundreds of middlers (those who have completed 5th grade through 8th grade) and their leaders from all over the country each summer. Participants attend keynotes, recreation, workshops, and worship designed by the Advocates (high school leaders) with them in mind. Encounter Groups provide an opportunity to reflect and learn alongside youth from other places, led by Advocates.

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