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Church Leadership

As a congregational member of The Presbyterian Church (USA), First Presbyterian Church is governed by three boards of church officers: the session, deacons, and trustees.

The Session

Ed Ecker, Elder for Finance and Stewardship
Carlyle Gregory, Elder for Worship
Jennifer Taylor Howell, Elder for Children and Youth
Claire Noble, Elder for Children and Youth
Francesca Guerrero, Elder for Adult Spirituality
Joan Koenig, Elder for Mission
Kathryn Kobe, Elder for Personnel
Amber Talley, Elder for Administration

Julie Bosland, Elder of Outreach
John Antonelli, Clerk of Session

TBD, Elder for Fellowship
Rev. Billy Kluttz, Moderator of Session



Board of Deacons
Sam West, Moderator
Lynda Hill, Vice Moderator
Jocelyn Bauer
Nancy Manning
Janet Pence
Margaret Gregory
Linda Hardy
Kathy Pericak
Ann Klofkorn-Bloome
Jennifer Swanson
Michael Bruno
Marty Newhouse

Wes Allen


Greg Morris, co-chair

Kevin Johnson, co-chair

Rob Tobiassen

Chris Taylor

Al Taylor

Austin Wiehe

Dana Edwards

Kaylyn West

Elaine Neumann



How is First Presbyterian organized?  

We are glad you asked. 


Jesus Christ—Head of the Church


Click to Meet our Staff

  •     Pastor

  •     Director of Children/Youth Ministries

  •     Director of Music Ministries

  •     Office Administrator



The names of candidates for the Boards are put forward by the Nominating Committee and elected by the congregation.



There are 12 Elders; each serves a term of 3 years.  Elders must be members of FPC.  Elders are the ruling body of the church.  They make decisions concerning the finances and the ministries of the church.​  ​The majority of Elders lead one of the ministry teams highlighted below.  Ministry teams are composed of members and friends of First Presbyterian Church who volunteer for the work of the committee.









Board of Deacons   

There are 12 Deacons; each serves a term of 3 years.  Deacons must be members of FPC.  Deacons attend to the needs of the congregation in such areas as:              

  •        Transportation for members unable to access church 

  •        Funeral receptions 

  •        Communion preparation

  •        Congregational care


Board of Trustees

There are 8 Trustees; each serves a term of 3 years.  Trustees are members & friends of FPC. Trustees are responsible for the maintenance of the physical plant, and divide the work into spheres of responsibility:

  •        Grounds/Garden

  •        Building Maintenance

  •        Systems Maintenance

  •        Administration

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